Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's a poetic weekend

Triple A rating
Three days before a default
Makes sense to someone

In fairness, it's medium term (10-20yrs) debts that pose an economic problem for the US, so in normal times a AAA bond rating would be appropriate. Over the long run, AA+ is probably the most appropriate given the state of economic growth and "Alternative Fiscal Scenarios," but downgrading T-bills is almost as explosive as finding white, black, red and pale horses to ride through global financial capitals.

Friday, July 29, 2011

More Haiku

Does the TEA Party
Belong to the GOP
Or the TFG?

To give credit where it is due, the TEA Party movement didn't get bought off with cheap social wedge issues the way your pie maker expected. Bully for them. Your pie maker grew up expecting something to see entitlements gutted before he was likely to retire, and now they are! Hopefully the rest of the government continues to function.

In other news, someone looking for a government he could drown in a bathtub should probably catch a flight to Mogadishu to see what it actually looks like.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time for fiance haiku again

This effort began right about the time of the TARP vote and quickly descended from mildly insightful commentary to cheesy narrative (with romantic subplots!) explanations of things to questionable Haiku about finance.

As of July 28th, 2011, every worthwhile thing about the state of markets and the US debt ceiling that could be written has been written, often at great length. Even Simon Johnson is getting a bit repetitive because, frankly, we ran out of new things to discuss sometime in June.

So, this time around the crisis block, your pie maker will skip the analysis and stories of how we got here and go straight to the poetry.

On Congress Today
Markets wait with baited breath
Or was that a yawn?