Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Pie Cabinet can party!

This past Friday, the Pie Cabinet hosted its first large scale party, and it was a huge success. We celebrated National Pie Day and feted the new, very pro-pie President with:
  • Shortbread cookies (apparently our new First Lady's favorite)
  • Poki (celebrating Indonesia )
  • Ham and pineapple skewers (Hawaii)
  • Hawiian salad in cucumber cups (thanks glenn)
  • Bacon and apple, also pear and gorgonzola pizza (Chicago, also glenn)
  • Kielbasa
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Applesauce pie
I couldn't find acceptable sweet potatoes, so we made due with the best custard pies possible. Thanks have to go out to everyone who showed up in formal wear, most especially to the young lady who smashed any stereotypes that living a life of service is an obstacle to beauty. As a crowd of mostly graduate students who live at or below the PMCIN=1 line, it was impressive to see so many people turned out so well.

There are a lot of people who deserve special thanks, most especially the Princess. Given the quasi anonymous nature of this, I won't say more, but you know who you are. Stop by anytime for a slice, it's the least I can do. Also, Mr. President, my challenge stands, even if I have to grow the sweet spuds myself.

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