Monday, January 16, 2012

Epiphany Pie

Last week, the Fuzzy Wups B^n staff celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany, sometimes called Three Kings' Day. We celebrated with friends, and, of course, made a pie.

As is becoming the P&P standard, symbolism to celebrate the priest, prophet and king was baked in. The crust used flour and wine vinegar. While your pie maker is interested in entomophagy, locus are hard to come by this time of year, and so had to make do with a honey sweetened cottage cheese pie from Simply in Season (an excellent book for everyone interested in a sustainable kitchen). Not shown in the picture, there was a rough attempt at the Natal Star using a broiled crust with the background darkened with homemade mulberry syrup, itself good enough to be served to royalty.

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