I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I wound up on the GOP USA list serve. Perhaps half of the emails have condensed versions of their website news and commentary, which occasionally is interesting, even insightful. Most of the rest fall into the nakedly spam or "donate to our cause" category. But once in a while, there's a real gem.
I hadn't heard of the Google 2030 Energy Plan before I got that little bit of invective. On whole, I think it's interesting and ambitious, although I have doubts about being quite so willing to pick winners on such things as transportation fuel. But it proposes no specific legislation, so why tell Congress to reject it? Check out the comments, it's an interesting discussion.
Thank you for bringing to the blog-reading constituency this Dire and Important Cause. We must take back Google for the American Way of life and Such. Beginning with a germanization of Capital Letters for rhetorical Effect.
I have written my congressmen, state senators, county animal control officers, the Pope, and Fearless Leader, demanding that they protect the American Way and not fund the multi-Trillion dollar pie you intend to bake with out hard-earned tax dollars.
I really enjoy how there's a non-negotiable portion of the beginning of the email.
Very tempted to write something else in the bottom bit that includes "Please disregard the above paragraph and know that I am wholly in support of some of the brightest minds in the country helping us work out the method of getting us off of petroleum. I just wanted to waste these idiots' resources. Thanks, Congressman Donnelly. Also, have been canvassing for you and things are looking very good. See you downtown sometime.
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