Pie and Policy endorses Barack Obama as the most pro-pie candidate in this election. We really can't say it better than the Financial Times, Economist, Christopher Buckley, or Colin Powell. However, I would like to add here that the McCain campaign has done a good job of insulting his supporters in the science community by, in assending order of annoyance:
(4) They actually failed to send a representative to a "techonology policy smackdown" conducted by the BBC/PRI The World.
(3) Their answers to the Science Debate 2008 questions to not track with much of what has been said elsewhere on the campaign trail, especially the "spending freeze" proposal.
(2) The American Physical Society tried to do a similar, physics-focused debate section in their monthy magazine. Only Obama's campaign sent a representative, and this is read by people who develop nuclear weapons, nuclear power and a host of other defense technologies.
(1) The American Insitute of Aeronaughtics and Astronaughtics submitted an aerospace-focussed qustionaire to both campaigns, and while McCain's camp did respond, it failed to provide answers to two questions, while the Obama camp gave reasonable answers to all of them. These should be the "reddest" of all academics, and it's read by most everyone in the "reddest" of all industries. That lack of attention speaks to either sloppiness or genuine disinterest.
I'll post the recipe for "Obama Apple-Blueberry Pie" this evening. And Mr. Obama, if you read this, I accept your sweet potato pie challange.
Oh, mavericky maverick science. You missed Pres Palin (2012, unless the succession or eschaton comes sooner), going after wasteful gov't spending on fruitfly research - silly little fruitflies! - in Paris, France!! Giving our hard earned tax dollars to unamerican Frenchies! The same SOCIALIST frenchies who didn't believe Saddam had WMD's. So what if it was an (not-real-american) USDA research facility, which has to be there because mediterranian strains of drosophila have more advanced genetic structures which pose multi-billion dollar dangers to viticulature in the Western USA (not-real-weastern-USA, but the liberal places where they grow food and drink chardonnay).
But Mavericky maverickess Sarah was showing how money needs to be cut from these things so we can take care of special needs children. Too bad, for all special needs children, fruitfly research is kind of key to, well, taking care of special needs children.
War on science? You betcha!
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