Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pro-pie response to recession

To review briefly, the PMCIN metric looks at three conditions to assess pie making capacity:

(1) The farming, manufacturing and shipping capacity to deliver pie-making supplies.

(2) Sufficiently well distributed income such that everyone can afford these on top of bare minimums.

(3) Sufficient leisure time to allow people to make and enjoy their pie each week.

In light of these, Pie and Policy salutes Pella and AK Steel for the very pro-pie step of increasing employee leisure time without, hopefully, reducing their incomes below the PMCIN=1 level. If you know anyone who's been affected by this, please let me know. I'm writing from the position of one who took a 60% pay cut to get a better job, and have avoided consumer credit like the plague, so the idea of a day off in exchange for a 20% pay cut without loss of benefits sounds like a really good deal to me.

Again, this is a good argument for some kind of national health care plan that decouples health benefits from one's current employer.

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