First, some background:
Once again, the head of the Transportation Department has been handed to a member of the losing party as a sign of bipartisanship. This is probably as good an explanation of the current state of our highways, bridges and air traffic control network as one can ask. The planned upgrades discussed in both links have been discussed in some form for as long as I can remember. Somehow, the opposition member's portfolio never seems to get the attention or funding the job deserves.
So, Mr. LaHood, or anyone on the transition team, I wish you the very best of luck, but I would like answers to the following:
(1) Illinois has proven to be a leader in public-private cooperation on projects such as toll roads, do you plan to export this model around the country, and if so in what capacity?
(2) We hear about many "shovel ready" projects, but the road construction workforce is currently tapped out and aging rapidly. How do you plan to train workers on a time scale compatible with economic stimulus while insuring the quality of new infrastructure?
(3) What priority will be placed on upgrading the national air transportation system? Where do you plan to source the money for it?
(4) What role do you see general aviation playing in the future of the country's overall transportation architecture?
(5) Where do you see the role of the Transportation Department relative to the other departments like Energy, Commerce, Agriculture and Interior? In particular, how does your status as the only Republican in the group effect that relationship?
(6) Newt Gingrich pointed out during the Jack Abramov scandal that large budgets draw corruption like flies to meat. How do you plan to balance accountability with the need to fund projects rapidly?
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