Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not quite the Pie Cabinet, but I like it

The "forever" part of my mission statement above is the source of most of the interesting discussions here. Most everyone agrees with the idea that pie making is a good thing, but when confronted with the implications for future pie making of their current life-style, things get interesting. As one who took a 60% pay cut to for a better job and career, I have little sympathy for what I like to call "plasma TV prosperity", the set of social norms that doesn't mind the fact that there is a finite, and roughly known end date for their high living. In all cases, that date is after the next election, and generally past the expected lifetime of the largest voting blocks in Western countries.

However, a good national example of how to live well in tough times by growing your own food, even setting up urban agricultural co-ops would be a very welcome thing. It continues to baffle me that the GOP doesn't get on board with some of this, given all the love they try to show farmers and their talk of "small government." Yes, every entry about environmental topics will end like that.

1 comment:

J D said...

The "forever" clause is also known as another verbal chestnut that gets a lot more press, sadly, than the Pie Cabinet does: sustainability.

A plasma TV every week forever is not sustainable.

A pie is a significantly more modest (and tastier) proposition.