Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thanks, and an apology

Two short notes before I get back to kitchen and put together a Maryland Road Pie, inspired by their use of molasses and salt as deicing tools.

First Thanks! are due to a reader who sent a subscription to The Week. I got my first issue yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Secondly Apology: In my last "This Week in Pie Making", I made a gross exaggeration of the GOP's ills, and cast them as similar to the most monstrous regime in modern history (by body count and capacity for destruction, anyway, the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Maoists and a few others could make a case). That is not appropriate, and does a great disservice to both the memories of that regime's victims and the quality of political discussion today. For a blog whose posts frequently end with an invitation to stop by for dessert, breakfast, or even to stay the night, such commentary is even less appropriate. "Come on over, you Bolshy hypocrite!" is not a credible invitation. For a desert-bred pie maker, such inhospitality is shameful, and I apologize.

Yes, this is in part a response to the recent tragedy in Tuscon, AZ. But for a generous offer from my current employer, I would be in Tuscon right now, and Arizona is where I grew up. Personally, I tend to agree with the Economist's take on the events, Arizona has never lacked for crazy people or guns. Most heartening, however, has been renewed interest in the quality of mental health care in the US and some signs that we are actually going to Take It Down A Notch For America.

I will do my part. Even when I disagree with people and am uncomfortable with what they are saying or doing, I will endeavor to write about it such a way as to invite constructive commentary and those very same people for pie.

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