Saturday, January 15, 2011

This Week in Pie-Making

This week's pie: Maryland Road Pie, a molasses-sweetened pumpkin pie with a chocolate and marshmallow topping.

It's Saturday morning and the biegnets are rising, soon to be rolled out and filled with a carmel-butter sauce left over from dessert a couple days ago. Yes, dear reader, you are welcome to come visit, especially for events such as the League of American Bicyclists conference in March. On your way in, tho, just be sure to check that your charts have their magnetic declination correct, since the "north" pole is increasing its speed toward the Equator. The consequences of this are actually profound most importantly because of how runways around the country are marked, because unlike the DHS, the FAA doesn't want to rely exclusively on GPS.

A dip in gasoline prices brought back echoes of the car industry of 2006, while food and oil prices are starting to look more like 2008. Part of the problem is related to climate change, such as droughts in Russia and floods in Australia, but one has to wonder if there's a bit too much cash chasing returns instead of investing in production. Whatever we do politically, environmentally or economically, we now have a (specious) date for when we can realistically expect to start over on a different planet: AD 2200.

The developing world continues to pose challenges for Westphalian notions of governance, and the response of the developed world challenges international standards of acceptable behavior. The developing world in turn breaks breaking the economic models of the West. Not that Western models are perfect, as a debate about road vs. transit funding suggests.

Speaking of infrastructure and bad assumptions, the US oil sector might be in for a major overhaul, assuming Wall Street and the GOP approve. Across the Pond, the Conservative/LibDem government is warning their banking arm to be discrete about remuneration (clearly the public perception is that the banks are under government control, as they exist due to gov't largess). Meanwhile, the Belgians have started a protest your pie maker plans to join in solidarity with the people of Europe's contribution to the artificial country concept (and laziness).

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